You can keep them if you’re going to use them or delete them if you’re not. Please note that the mc_cmd_center.ts4script is needed at all time. Related Articles: Sims 4 Best Expansion Packs Installing MC: Command Center MC is really easy to install but if you need additional help, I have included tutorial videos just in case you need the extra help. If you don’t have it, you can download here at Here is the MC Woohoo download link. Please note this tutorial is for PC users and not for consoles. If you do not have then see below the download links and the installing guide below. If you have MC command center and skip to the MC Woohoo settings below. Really easy to do with the easy steps below. Pregnancy Mods for Teensįor mods, you will need MC command center and MC Wohoo. Sims.get_sim_id_by_name For more crazy pregnancy cheats here in Wattpad. There are a Sims 4 teenage pregnancy cheat and mod!Ĭheats are much easier to implement than mods but mods works are easier once they are set up. You can choose either a Duration of 2 Days for the Sad Buff or 7 Days.If you’re looking to get you Teenage Sim pregnant for any reason, The Active Household Members will get a Sad Buff. There is a 1-3% Chance for a Sim to die after giving Birth. Optional Addon (can be used as a Standalone Mod)

There are four different Versions available: This Part changes the size of the Belly of pregnant Sims. What i changed exactly with this Mod: No huge Pregnancy Bellies This Mod changes a few Parts of Sims Pregnancy (Size of Belly, Walkstyle and more), You can freely choose what you want to install!